The students of Wanniassa Senior School in Canberra are our first ACT school!
We worked on the S.E.A.T Project with a group of Year 9 students in our English classes. After an introduction to the Project, watching the online videos and discussion about our options, we used the SEAT story as a prompt in a Children’s Literature Unit. The Year 9 students ended up creating their own children’s book. Students enjoyed the story about the little stool who learnt how special he was and many adopted similar themes for their own writing. When we read our books to the students in Kindergarten on our Junior Campus the feedback was all very positive.”
Meghan Pellow – teacher, Wanniassa School ACT
The Safe S.E.A.T Project for the junior campus has reminded me how much I appreciated help from older students when I was young. I wish I could paint better because I really want my SEAT to be special for the young students….”
James A – Year 9
This is something the younger students can use and it feels good to be doing something for someone else.”
Seth L – Year 9
This project has helped me reflect on what it means to help and to be someone to look up to. I will remember doing this project for a long time.”
Year 9 student – asked not to be named