We are delighted to welcome The King’s School to our community of SEAT schools!
Throughout the unit, the Year 4 boys demonstrated an incredible heart for those less fortunate than themselves and initiated 2 incredible social actions as a result. The boys have been encouraged to financially support the Fruits Of Hope Academy in Rwanda, as we have a connection with its School Principal, Fred Buyinza.
We ran a Year 4 Second Hand Store at the King’s Art Show. For 2 weeks, the boys brought in good quality second hand items to sell at our stall. The boys volunteered to be rostered on shifts throughout the Sunday. That day, the boys raised over $3100.
Over the past two weeks, Year 4 have put together a ‘King’s Has Got Talent Show’. They encouraged the Prep students to audition their talent for a possible place in tomorrows finals. They charged $5 per person per audition. Kale and I watched 90 boys perform over 5 days, and have chosen 13 finalists, who will perform in our King’s Has Got Talent Show tomorrow. There will be a $2 entry fee to watch the show.
We have currently raised $3550 and hope to hit the $4000 mark after the show. Tomorrow the boys will be leading the Talent Show, so they are pretty excited.”
Annie Reuben – teacher, The Kings School North Parramatta NSW