Oxley College is home to the writer of our S.E.A.T Project Education Program! Their school community decided to participate as a whole school model. The students raised $3,695.15 that was gifted to 12 organisations or initiatives!
The SEAT Project was led by our students in House Family Groups. Our deep trust in each child’s capacity and high expectations for compassion, collaboration and critical and creative thinking yielded outstanding results. The children were able to research and identify worthy charities (a dilemma that can be overwhelming for adults with so many needy causes) and plan authentic experiences to raise awareness and funds. Their degree of compassion and effective philanthropy saw collaboration that crossed the borders of House loyalty, friendship groups and personal preference to plan, advertise and run a series of four major events at the end of last year. Below is an outline of all the funds raised from each event and the wide range of charities that benefitted from the students’ efforts:
Dog Day
Guide Dogs $518
Colour Day
Cancer Council $906.00
Great Barrier Reef $130.00
Community Day
Autism $259.00
Red Shield Appeal $129.50
Legacy $129.50
Youth Off the Streets $586.00
Exercise Day
Save the Children $259
Bear Cottage $389.65
Heart Foundation $129.50
Diabetes $129.50
Oxfam $129.00
Grand Total Raised: $3,694.15
For any small band of passionate advocates this is outstanding but not surprising. Our students were fortunate to have been supported by all of our teachers who went above and beyond to make every aspect of this project enriching for our children. It is easy in schools for teachers to whip up a fund raising event that is just about giving money, but it takes significantly more effort to empower our students to investigate, negotiate, delegate and co-ordinate whole school events that allow them to give time and of themselves. The results however are well worth the effort and help us to know that the future is indeed in good hands when today’s children become the proactive and ethically minded adults we see within them right now.”
Justine Lind – Head of K-6
Here are some work samples and video footage of the students visible learning below:
Identify the 5 main skills and attributes of effective leadership…
How did SEAT & Bea co-operate to help others…
How do ordinary people do extraordinary things…
Build Day – team work:
Build Day – reflections from group leaders:
SEAT’s Story – team work: