Mary Brooksbank School have joined the S.E.A.T community! With the generous support of the NAB Liverpool & Highlands students aged between 5 years and 18 years old with moderate to severe intellectual disability have been able to experience the S.E.A.T Project!
The school held a fundraiser to sell just 1 of these decorated bamboo SEATs and raised $1000 to purchase items for the Loto Taumafi Society; an organisation in Samoa that supports people with disabilities!!
The S.E.A.T. Project has provided our students with the opportunity to learn valuable lessons in the importance of working together, developing and sustaining friendships and giving back to the community. The students were chosen from across the school to be a part of the Project with consideration to their ability to engage activities that focused around the concept of the butterfly effect.
Our high school students embraced the responsibility of being role models for the primary and infants students and likewise the younger students loved the attention and lessons learnt from the ‘big kids’. Every student has embraced the S.E.A.T Project to date (not yet finished, as they need to paint their SEATs and decide on their future), and they look forward to every Thursday when they spend their ‘SEAT time’ in the library.
The SEAT build day with community engagement from the NAB staff far exceeded our expectations. Every single student was a part of the process and valued for their contribution. The staff at NAB were amazing with our kids and Paul (their Regional Executive), said he was ‘buzzing’. Well – we were all too! It was an awesome time to share a special experience with a select group of our kids.”
Mandy Hyeronimus – teacher, Mary Brooksbank School Rosemeadow NSW