Liverpool Public School’s motto is to “provide a learning journey for each child that empowers them to be the best they can be”. Year 5 have certainly showed this. Students worked through the S.E.A.T Project’s lessons and auctioned their completed SEATs at a school and community event. They raised over $400 to donate to Oxfam. Year 5 teacher, Natalie Pritchard, talks below about their SEAT build experience….
Followed by anecdotes from the students….
The S.E.A.T Project was a great way to develop friendships and encourage collaboration amongst our Year 5 students in Term 1. We are developing a school culture that has a strong sense of student leadership. The S.E.A.T Project assisted with this mindset and allowed our students in small groups to think and create solutions to the issue and activity, instead of relying on others to assist them.
It was great to see students work together to achieve an end goal. As teachers it was a positive and rewarding experience to see student satisfaction and pride from them that was displayed once they had finished their project build.”Natalie Pritchard – Year 5 teacher
After completing the S.E.A.T Project with our Stage 3 students, we decided to hold an auction in our school hall. After many discussions and deliberations, the students chose to donate funds raised to Oxfam.
It was very rewarding to see the students engaging with parents and teachers on the day. The students demonstrated team work, responsibility and maturity and were very proud of their efforts leading up to the day.
The S.E.A.T Project was a very valuable experience for all involved and allowed for students to demonstrate leadership skills, collaboration, teamwork and awareness of our local community.”Natalie Pritchard – Year 5 teacher
We sold all our SEAT’s successfully and raised money for the Oxfam charity. Not only did we raise money but we had fun building, designing and selling the SEATs. This project was a successful and fun step towards improving and supporting student’s learning. The students, teachers and the parents that attended the auction helped buy and sell the SEATs making it a rewarding day for all involved.”
Ma’moon – Year 6 student
SEAT was an amazing experience for myself and the Year 5 students. It helped us learn about teamwork, building skills, helping others and sustainability. The SEAT is a bamboo stool that was made in Vietnam which helped people to get jobs to provide for their families. On top of this it was made in a factory that used the bamboo offcuts to fuel the electricity.
We were given the stools in a box and we had to
work within a team to try and put it together without any instructions. This taught us how to work together. We then thought up beautiful, creative designs before we put it on the stool. All the stools ended up beautiful with unique designs and ideas. Then it came to the big time…..the AUCTION. Parents, teachers and students were invited to buy the SEATs to take home. In return the money we raised going to Oxfam, our chosen charity. These SEATs were not ordinary, they were extraordinary!”
Roma – Year 5 student
Our Year 5 S.E.A.T Project Auction, for our extraordinarily unique SEATs, was run by an enthusiastic bunch of Year 5 students. All SEATs were successfully sold to our keen parents and teaching staff. Prices ranged from $1 to $50 per SEAT.
Imported from Vietnam, these little stools taught us a great lesson about synergy, strategy and creativity. We are very grateful that we had this wonderful opportunity to showcase our individual talents in a unique way.”
Jusleen, Sona & Aishwarya – Year 5 students