The students of Holroyd School Merrylands participated in S.E.A.T Project to support their community and give something back. They wanted to initiate change, to be a part of the bigger picture, to have an effect on the world, to make a difference, to say ‘thank you’, to give instead of receive, but most of all, to show that they are CAPABLE of helping others! They have certainly done this!
S.E.A.T Project was a catalyst for a school art exhibition. It was a colourful, rich and heartfelt display of the love and community that exists within the school. Some SEATs have been gifted to those “magical people” and organisations in the community that have strong and direct relationships with these children; speech pathologist, parent helpers, Westmead Children’s Hospital, Disaster Aid Australia, local child care centres, an indigenous education unit, local schools and shops.
The silent auction provided money for the students to give rubber rain boots to the children in Grande Ttio, Peru. They have already raised money for fresh food and underwear!
Another exciting component of their participation was to have Year 7, 8 and 9 students build their SEATs with assistance from the Year 11 & 12 students from Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets, Key College. What a valuable and meaningful learning experience about participation in the local Merrylands community with two very different schools assisting each other. Read what the media had to say about this: project-brings-teens-together
Holroyd School supports students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities. Many of the students have multiple disabilities.
Our students have had a wonderful time building SEATs and exploring the character of SEAT in their classes. The S.E.A.T Project provided our students with opportunities to develop relationships and further their social skills. We used the project to engage in team building and peer support activities by connecting with other classes and community members external to our school setting.
Our students are looking forward to a whole-school art exhibition at the end of term where we will showcase their efforts to both our school and local community. The students have chosen to gift their class SEATs to the community organisations that have special and significant meaning to them.”
Emma Bruce – teacher, Holroyd School Merrylands NSW
Builders & Artists: Sara, Eymen, Ken, Mina, Adam, Noah & Tarek
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Magical people who visit our school and work with us everyday.
SEAT recipient: Larissa – our Speech Pathologist.
Why we chose her: Larissa is an outstanding therapist that shares her expertise and resources so kindly with our staff and students in J2 to make our world a happy place.
Builders & Artists: Sara, Eymen, Ken, Mina, Adam, Noah & Tarek
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Our PARENTS are SUPERHEROES using their extraordinary powers for the general good of the innocent everyday!
SEAT recipient: Kim Ngo – parent of Ken Ngo in J2.
Why we chose her: Because no matter what hardships Kim faces, Ken’s needs and well being are always her priority.
Class: J1 & J2
Builders & Artists: Sara, Eymen, Ken, Mina, Adam J, Noah, Tarek, Tyler, Adam A, Jacob, Kevin, Awel, Karam & Renas
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: An owl represents wisdom and as teachers we draw upon this quality of knowledge, good judgement and experience to do our job to the best of our ability for all students in our care.
SEAT recipient: Our SEAT will be auctioned and all money raised will go to children in Peru.
Why we chose this: To help children in Peru and spread the love of wisdom.
Class: S25 (3 SEATs)
Builders & Artists: Andrew L, Abdul, Mustafa, John, Billal, Andy & Andrew T
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Working together with our Youth Off The Streets buddies and building, designing SEATs that can help others be creative and let imagination thrive.
SEAT recipient: Each SEAT will be auctioned and money raised will be donated to the Westmead Children’s Hospital.
Why we chose them: To help children who are unwell get better and to help cheer them up.
Class: S19 (2 SEATs)
Builders & Artists: Aaron, Cory, Jonny & Wisa
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: We participated in games to encourage positive interactions and made choices about positive activities we would like to do. We learnt positive social behaviours and practised skills in various community settings to learn to work together.
SEAT recipient: These SEATs will be auctioned and money raised will be donated to the Westmead Children’s Hospital.
Why we chose them: Westmead Children’s Hospital works to help a lot of students at Holroyd and were recently helpful to Jonny when he needed them. We work together as active and proud community members to help others.
Class: J5 & S24 Peer Support (3 SEATs)
Builders & Artists: Omran, Adriana, Marrjon, Kaya, Taseen, Abdul, Mohamed, Charlie, Imran, Ahmed, Anthony A, Mohammad, Karlee, Hussain, Anthony P & Jack
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: ‘Friendship’ – working together to help our friends learn.
SEAT recipient: Hostia Early Learning Childcare Centre on Clarence Street Merrylands.
Why we chose this: To create community links for possible integration for future.
Class: S29 (2 SEATs ‘Day’ & ‘Night’)
Builders & Artists: Tony, Michael, Kenny, Mujahid, Kevin, Danny & Steven
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Day and Night
SEAT recipient: Our SEATs will be auctioned and money raised will go to children in Grande Ttio, Peru.
Why we chose this: To help people in other parts of the world.
Builders & Artists: Maggie, Sujoud, Emmanuel, Melad, Aylin, Tabark & Ayush
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: “loads of fun”, “racing red” and ‘Sparkle SEAT’.
SEAT recipient: Jarara Indigenous Education Unit.
Why we chose them: We wanted to help others.
Builders & Artists: Shubhan, Mohammed, Siom, Salmann & Jason
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: “Fun!”, “we loved feeling the paint on our hands”, “using the hammer was fun”.
SEAT recipient: Jarara Indigenous Education Unit.
Why we chose them: To strengthen connections with local Aboriginal communities.
Builders & Artists: Sabah, Delshana, Bailey, Daniel, Alan, William, Vanessa, Steven, Thieny, Catherine, Gordon, Amara & Janet.
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: “I like making it with my buddy”, “I liked using the hammers”, “good work with my friend”.
SEAT recipient: This SEAT will be auctioned and money raised will be donated to the Westmead Children’s Hospital.
Why we chose them: Providing hope for children in need.
Class: S30 (3 SEATs)
Builders & Artists: Melanie, Hussain, Layla, Ashley, Eleanor, Daniel & Safar
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: “Fun”, “good”, “like drawing”, “help friends”, “like painting”.
SEAT recipient: This SEAT will be auctioned and money raised will be donated to the Westmead Children’s Hospital.
Why we chose them: Westmead Hospital does so much for us.
Builders & Artists: Jaisleen, Sharman, Abdulkarim, Robert, Asmaa, Joshua & Khoder
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: ‘Working Together’
SEAT recipient: Wentworthville Public School & ‘Meze’ at Stockland Mall Merrylands.
Why we chose this: We have integration with Wentworthville Public School. The workers at ‘Meze’ have been very generous and caring when we go shopping.
Builders & Artists: Kimberley, Sohum, Montather, Rita, Aziza & Selena
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: A fun, exciting, different experience.
SEAT recipient: Our SEAT will be auctioned and money raised will go to children in Grande Ttio, Peru.
Why we chose this: To lend a hand to children in need.
Builders & Artists: Gaby, James, Andy, Lorenz, Stanley & Arthur
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Working together as a group.
SEAT recipient: Early Learning Centre Canley Vale.
Why we chose this: The learning centre needs more equipment for the children.
Builders & Artists: Imad, Nicholas, Abinom, Kalan & Sinclair
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Students of S21 worked collaboratively to paint, decorate and build the SEAT.
SEAT recipient: Hostia Early Learning Childcare Centre.
Why we chose this: To link our school and the childcare centre.
Builders & Artists: Corena, Vincent, Zairious, Mario, Mohammed, Kiara, Michael & Kutan
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: “Fun”, “exciting”, “friends”
SEAT recipient: Disaster Aid Australia.
Why we chose this: We are donating our SEAT with paintings of floods, bushfires and droughts as this fits with the content of our Semester 1 unit of work. Since Disaster Aid Australia help to support communities that have been affected by these natural disasters, we thought they would appreciate receiving our SEAT.
Builders & Artists: Corena, Vincent, Zairious, Mario, Mohammed, Kiara, Michael & Kutan
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: “Playing”, “friends”
SEAT recipient: Guildford West Public School who we have visited each week for integration.
Why we chose this: To say ‘thank you’. We covered our SEAT in photos and memories of a great year at integration.
Builders & Artists: Michelle, Hanna, Jennifer, Arif, Ellis, Paul, Simon, Amanie, Oliver, Abdalla, Carlos, Ethan & Catherine
What S.E.A.T Project meant to them: Teamwork, friendship and be a safe learner.
SEAT recipient: Ronald McDonald House.
Why we chose this: It is one of the ways to make them feel happy.