We welcome Halinda School to the SEAT community; a school for special needs catering for a diverse range of abilities.
The students of Rooms 8, 9, 10, 13 and 19 built and decorated their SEATs after working through a program of lessons on friendship, value of self, gifts & talents and how they can make a difference in the world. They then put together an exhibition that was displayed concurrently with their end of year concert. They held a silent auction and the money raised was donated to the Kids Help Line as voted by Halinda’s School Representative Council of students.
Here are some photos of their work and anecdotes of learning along the way….
TEA TREE – Room 8
We gained a lot from doing the S.E.A.T Project. We learned to work as a team, taking turns and learning to problem solve in building the SEAT.
We read the story every week and focused on different parts. Our most favourite part was about the butterfly Bea, and how she was a friend to SEAT. We talked about being friends, and who are our friends. We looked at being a friend by having a helping hand.
Our design is a collection of friends and happy pictures that we drew, coloured and painted. We also have some butterflies to represent Bea, some bamboo for the Vietnamese rainforest and other patterns from the story.
RED GUM & HAKEA – Rooms 9 & 10
Red Gum teamed up with Hakea to participate in the S.E.A.T Project with the desire to develop a relationship between students in another class through a combined activity. The classes demonstrated their own individual strengths and interests during this build.
We have attempted to appropriate the concept from the feature film “Inside Out” where the mystery of the human brain is similar to a complex bunch of personalities in a functioning mind.
The SEAT (unfinished in this picture) is intending to recreate the depths of awareness or consciousness of the human brain. The glitter is chosen to suggest the electric pulses through the synapses from one neuron to another. The dynamic colours are suggesting the broad variety of thoughts, emotions and sensory stimuli happening within the mind. The chaotic nature of the coloured splashes represent the brain activities of a mind mis-firing, which is a reference to the artists creating this particular SEAT.
The SEAT isn’t perfect, nor does it have to be finished, rather, what will be, will be.
The S.E.A.T Project was a great opportunity for the students to come together and participate in some project based learning. We wanted to celebrate our class and showcase who we were.
The Exterior is modelled on the Eucalyptus Haemastoma and the lines that are made by the Scribbly Gum Moth. The SEAT was constructed by all the students in the class, each one participating in their own way.
The students helped to build the SEAT using simple materials and tools provided in the SEAT Kit. The exterior effect was created by using PVA glue and strips of scribbly gum paper.
IRONBARK – Room 19
As a part of our unit of work in Term 3, Ironbark class participated in the S.E.A.T Project. We learned about and compared rural Australia and rural Vietnam.
Our design for SEAT is based on the story of SEAT and it’s journey to Australia.
On the back are drawings of our faces to represent the members of our class.