Here is the WIN TV News story created around Corrimal Public School’s project:
The students at Corrimal Public School engaged in a deep and thoughtful S.E.A.T process. At Session 4, after marvellous debate, they identified as a group that they would like to hone in on homeless youths, and homelessness in general.
The students decided that they would like to donate their SEATs to Orange Sky Laundry who provide a washing service for the homeless around Australia. Their SEATs are travelling to Orange Sky Laundry’s head office in Brisbane to provide a place to sit, connect and have a coffee for all the staff, generous people who volunteer for Orange Sky Laundry and the general public.
A message to the students from the founders of Orange Sky Laundry:
Thank-you to the students of Corrimal Public School who put so much time, effort and creativity into painting the seats for Orange Sky Laundry.
Our vans service 84 locations across Australia and wash more than 6.72 tonnes of laundry a week. At each shift, we put out 6 orange chairs where our volunte
ers and friends have positive and genuine conversations.Unfortunately, due to limited space in our vans, w
e are unable to take your seats out on shift with us. However we feel that they will be put to even better use – in our ‘Orange Sky Pop-Up Coffee Shop’ run by one of our homeless friends, John. Now, when customers, volunteers, staff or friends stop for a coffee, they are able to sit on your seats and have some great conversation!
Thanks again for your amazing contribution.”
Nic and Lucas – founders, Orange Sky Laundry
The children have been so excited and thoroughly engaged from the moment that they built their SEATs. They’ve been fascinated!”
Alison Waters – teacher, Corrimal Public School
I love the fact that the S.E.A.T Project helps people all across the world, and I love how it changes lives, and how that at an age we are, it teaches us about the situations that happen globally.
I think that “The Little Stool That Could”, is an inspiring story. It was a great way to get the messa
ge of ‘never giving up’ to children. I feel that there was a lot of emotive language which created a lot of happiness in the end. It helped me understand the project because of how it was written and it incorporated the characters so that they had meaning and the certain journey that the ‘Stool’ had gone on.”
Brandi – Year 6 student
Well the S.E.A.T Project is really engaging and fun. You can learn a lot from it, and I’ve learned so much about the world and things about it. We’ve learned about slave labour and stuff like that.”
“It was a very fun project but frustrating at times because it was challenging and confusing as to why the world is the way it is.”
Jet – Year 6 student
For me the S.E.A.T Project builds some of the most important characteristics in a person; self importance, kindness, resilience, humility and understanding of others. This has been an inspiring experience for me in a lot of ways: I’ve been able to work in a team that I would have never have thought I would work well with I have definitely grown stronger and it has made me a better person. I would highly recommend this S.E.A.T Project to anyone that thinks they are not good enough and make them realise their own potential.”
Sarah – Year 4 student
I think the S.E.A.T Project means caring for others, by helping them”. I think the S.E.A.T Project means friendship because you are working together and meeting new people. It’s that everyone can make a difference, even people who are small, just doing something to help someone can make a big difference.”
Aditi – Year 6 student
I learnt that a group of four is better than of group a one. When everyone has their own job, it definitely helps a lot. Not only does it help the team but it also helps the people and cuts the time in half. You can do a lot more things in the same time. Also having a mixture of different talents and genders also helped my understanding of the S.E.A.T Project.”
Joshua W – Year 6 student
What we had to do was to choose an organisation that helped people within the community. Once we had done that, we created a poster and collected information about that organisation. My team chose ‘Kids Helping Others’ which is basically about people helping people in; nursing homes, the environment, schools and workplaces. Some of the ideas were about leaving money in vending machines and planting new plants in community gardens. It taught me about how to be a better person and small ways that I can make my community a better place.”
Layla – Year 5 student
For me S.E.A.T has been a very inspiring and fun project. I have learnt that even if you feel worthless and helpless, you can do BIG THINGS! You just have to try and look for another perspective and try and see things differently, be as positive as you can be. If you can do that I guarantee you can achieve anything. I also have learnt that a good friend is priceless, doing so much for you and never asking for anything in return, being there and someone you can always count on. I’ll be sad to stop S.E.A.T. I have learnt so much during this project and this project has also brought out my true colours. Thank you for reading this, I hope this has been something you won’t forget!”
Aden – Year 5 student
Well, I learnt that anyone can change the world, with anything they do. We looked at the ripple or butterfly effect – just by starting with a simple idea it can effect hundreds of people around the world in the end. I also learnt that everyone has a part in this world and everyone plays a role.”
Eva – Year 6 student
The book was about the SEAT. The seat was sad and it didn’t realise that it was helping other people. It thought that it had no purpose and then B.E.A was telling it that it did have a purpose. I thought that the project was a great idea because it helped me learn about other people and taught us how we can help others.”
Dane – Year 6 student
I think that an effective team looks like people bouncing ideas off each other to make their ideas better. It’s not always loud or quiet; it’s something in the middle. They are working together to write ideas down. I don’t think an effective team is just friends; it’s people coming together to achieve the same goal. You learn different skills from each other, so it’s good to have a group of boys and girls and not always the same people that you would normally work with.”
Joshua L – Year 5 student
So we read a story about a lady that carried two pots up a hill. One of the pots had a crack in it and thought that it wasn’t as good as the other. When the lady was walking she had water in both pots and the water always leaked out of the broken one. The one that wasn’t broken thought that it was a lot better, but in the end, the broken pot had left a trail of water and the grass had turned into flowers giving it a purpose. I learnt that you are perfect just as you are and even if you don’t realise it you may be doing wonderful things.”
Kobi – Year 5 student
The teacher said there are boxes up the back and said ‘GO’. There were no instructions or tools or anything. The classroom was a big mess, lots of students had nothing to do and others were trying to put the puzzle together. Then our teacher told us to come back to the floor and she gave us the instructions and the hammer. We spoke about what a good team looked like. We then got everyone involved in teams and everyone starting working together with the instructions to build the seat. I felt proud of myself and the group when we finished the seat. The tips on how to work as a good team made it a lot easier, because we all knew what we could do and started working together.”
Gilbert – Year 6 student
So B.E.A represents a person who follows other people and helps them when they need support and when they are not feeling so jumpy and happy. B.E.A will make them feel good. B.E.A inspires people to be good. She is one of those people, who you can go to, too make you feel a lot better about yourself.
S.E.A.T represents a person who isn’t that confident and isn’t one of those people that would just go up on a stage and perform, they would normally stand back a bit. They have good characteristics even though most of the time they don’t realise it. They are normally doing good and helping others without realising.
The teacher represents a very joyful person that would be happy to take anyone in. They are the problem solvers.”
Ella – Year 5 student