We’re so excited that Coreen School joined in on the fun to participate in their 3rd S.E.A.T Project! This year the students selected a deep enquiry in the communities of The Solomon Islands. Their research took them to the island of Malaita and after a visit from a local teaching student (currently in Australia), they decided that they would like to connect and help to make a difference.
The students investigated the lifestyle of people living in Ura village with a population of 300 people, 7 kms from Auki town in Malaita Province. Ura is typical of Solomons lifestyle where 80% of the population live and survive on subsistence farming supplemented by some cash crops. Their lifestyle is hard and very basic and there is little to spare, but the people are happy. They connected with Grace Divine Kindergarten, a small school established in Grace Kirimaoma’s home (the mother of the student-teacher in Australia) that has been operating since she retired in 2007. This work is voluntary and Grace has very little resources in which to educate her 50 students in her tiny home.
From the sale of their SEATs and internal fund-raising, the students of Coreen have lovingly packaged up the following to send to Grace Divine Kindergarten.
- 1 x 40 litre box of clothes (boys and girls size 2-3)
ink pens, felt-tip pens, lead pencils, coloured pencils, sharpeners and erasers
- water-colour paints, paint brushes and art smocks
- clip-boards, mini-whiteboards, chalkboards and chalk
- glue, blu-tack
- maths set and calculators
- assorted exercise books
- laminated basic skills charts
- Australian 2020 calendar and stickers
This year the Year 8 students of Coreen School were handed the S.E.A.T Project from their friends in the senior school to continue the butterfly effect. The students gifted their decorated SEATs, along with books and a book crate on wheels that they fashioned, for the children of families that visit Blacktown Women’s & Girl’s Health Centre. The Year 8 students thought that the SEATs could provide a place for children to read and reflect whilst their mothers receive support from the centre, and even thought to gift fidget spinners hidden in the secret lids of the SEATs!
The students of Coreen School Blacktown decided to gift their SEATs to “Angel House” orphanage in The Philippines after a heart-felt, local exhibition at Max Webber Library in Blacktown.
November 2016 Kalatas Newspaper:
November 2016 Philippines Consulate General:
Here are their statements and stories from both teachers and students:
I saw a difference in how the students viewed themselves.”
Christian Avent – Coreen School Blacktown
The S.E.A.T Project provided the opportunity to deliver a cross-curricular program that focussed on Sustainability, Visual Arts and Literacy. The Project included themes of friendship and change and offered opportunities for students to work in teams and as individuals. It has given the students the opportunity to become more globally aware of the world around them and issues that affect others in the world.
Coreen School educates students with a diverse range of learning needs. Because of this, a highly differentiated program is required to cater for the specific learning needs of the students enrolled. The S.E.A.T Project allowed students with a variety of learning styles and needs to work together to problem solve, think creatively and critically. It allowed students to develop communication skills and it encouraged higher order thinking.”
John Williamson – Classroom Teacher, Coreen School, Blacktown
The important ideas I want to express about the S.E.A.T Project is that I want children to be happy through their emotional life.
I put flowers, a heart-warming poem and bright colours on my SEAT to make the children feel good.
The change for better that I hope happens is for children to have a happy home and a loving family.”
Brianna Ferguson – Year 8
The important ideas I want to express about the S.E.A.T Project is about helping others and equality for everyone.
I chose colours that I like and I want to share this with the children in the orphanage.
The way our exhibition can begin a butterfly effect is that if we can help, then maybe others will help too.
I want the children in the orphanage to be happy.”
Jacob Hesse – Year 9
The idea of the 5 letter “S”s on my SEAT is to send a message of support and hope.
They stand for…
I chose the colours red, blue, green, yellow, grey and purple grey
I want to encourage others to show that I care about the
future for other people.
The change for better in our world that I hope happens is…
I still live in hope that the world will become a better, safer place for everyone.”
Jarryn Douglas – Year 7
I want to help those kids living in poverty.
I wanted to make something that would make kids happy again.
I hope our exhibition encourages other students to get involved.
I would like to see less kids living in poverty.”
Clinton Williams – Year 9
I built and decorated this SEAT for a child in an orphanage in The Philippines.”
Tanya Creed – Year 9