Whether you are a small community group wanting to invest some of your hard-won fundraising into a good cause, or a large company seeking to make a measurable difference to children in our community or the literacy crisis globally, you have come to the right place.
So take a SEAT, or better still, sponsor the S.E.A.T Project by purchasing the Education Package for a school, or many schools – invest in children by helping them create their own butterfly effect in the world, all while they learn about their own unique gifts and talents and contribution they have to make.
Click here to talk to one of the S.E.A.T Project team members today about how you, your company and your people can get involved in this global movement for social change.
Like to hear the stories of some inspiring sponsors/investors that have come into the S.E.A.T Project community? Click here to meet some of the friends who are already making a difference.