Welcome to the S.E.A.T Project – the team at S.E.A.T are very excited that you are expressing interest in selling SEATs through your store. Getting involved in the S.E.A.T Project as a Retail Partner has many brilliant rewards and true to our vision, we would like to take you as a Retail Partner, on a journey to create your own butterfly effect within the global S.E.A.T Project community.
Retailing SEAT is not like selling widgets, or even Louis Vuitton, so we’ve crafted some helpful guidelines for you to consider before you join us for the ride of your life with SEAT.
First though, a bit more about S.E.A.T Project
It may look like a simple and ordinary SEAT but this little stool has been thoughtfully designed with a cradle-to-cradle approach and not only holds the weight of a human body, but also an extraordinary message for humanity. SEAT was designed by UNSW Art & Design graduate Niki Banados as part of the Hands That Shape Humanity ‘Hand Up’ mentor program. It is a small bamboo stool and is produced in a sustainable bamboo factory in Vietnam, where they use the off cuts from the bamboo to fuel the furnace that powers the whole bamboo factory!
Being small and easily assembled by children, SEAT has become a great project for various communities and groups, including schools and corporates. SEAT encourages teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, sustainability and poses the question to everyone involved – how we can all help each other? The little stool has become a tool for children and adults to create their own butterfly effect – and a rich learning opportunity that shows each child how unique they are, taps in to their own gifts and talents and how their hands can indeed shape humanity. The small actions they engage in, even in their own homes and communities has an impact on the greater world around them.
Becoming a S.E.A.T Project Retail Partner
As a Retail Partner you will have the opportunity to engage with a dynamic social business and global brand that emphasises the unique and positive contribution each person has to offer humanity. You will have the opportunity to get involved in the community engagement aspects of the S.E.A.T Project while making sales and building your own brand.
SEAT is not your average product. It’s an ordinary product, yes, but with an extraordinary message. As such, becoming a Retail Partner is about committing to join our community of passionate folk seeking to make their contribution to a better world. There’s a lot in it for you as well!
The Retail Partner Offer from S.E.A.T Project
1. SEAT wholesale price:
You will be offered SEAT stock at a wholesale price that allows for a reasonable profit margin. SEAT retails for AUD $75. So you make money – that’s the first benefit.
2. Brand positioning on S.E.A.T Project global website:
Your retail brand will be featured on www.seatproject.org as a Retail Partner and links to retail stockists page.
3. Co-branded marketing and PR:
The S.E.A.T Project team will work with you to develop a mutually beneficial PR and marketing plan to promote and sell SEAT through the Retail Partnership.
The Retail Partner Commitment to the S.E.A.T Project
1. Retail SEAT at the price of AUD $75
2. Marketing:
S.E.A.T Project Retail Partners have the opportunity to be involved in our marketing program that is aligned with both selling SEATs and creating engagement in the S.E.A.T Project. All marketing and PR activity connected to the S.E.A.T Project will require sign-off by project team.
3. Workshops and events:
As part of building the S.E.A.T Project community and to leverage the profile and co-branding opportunities available, you could hold S.E.A.T Project events and/or workshops in store or jointly with the S.E.A.T Project at an agreed venue. These events and workshops would be supported by the S.E.A.T Project team and would focus on building community engagement, exposure, education and fun!
To express your interest in becoming a S.E.A.T Project Retail Partner please complete this form: