Yatra Foundation was started in Australia by four friends, devoted to making a difference in the world. Ravi Savarirayan is a paediatrician/geneticist working at the Royal Childrens Hospital, Melbourne; Renu Binaykia and Sanjay Jain run a successful business and Sophie Beaumont is a dentist working in the public sector in Victoria. Together, they decided that if they put their collective energies and skills towards a project, they could help change the lives of some of the poorest children in India.
The focus of Yatra Foundation is the provision of excellent quality education. To make a difference, education is the key. The hope is that by educating children, the whole village is educated and simple things that we all take for granted such as obtaining numeracy and literacy skills, can become a reality for these children.
Yatra Foundation projects are based in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu states and currently support more than 1000 children who might otherwise be working on farms or helping their families. Yatra Foundation prides itself on having no running costs. The four founders along with a handful of dedicated volunteers and supporting businesses provide their skills, time and expertise to make Yatra happen, so it remains a relatively small and personal charity.
The S.E.A.T Project is an opportunity for students to create their own butterfly effect. One of the learning experiences for upper primary and high school students in the S.E.A.T Project Education Program, is to explore this butterfly effect. The students research a variety of organisations who are using “their unique talents to make the world a better place”. Yatra Foundation is on that list!
Website: Yatra Foundation