SEAT: the little stool that could is the children’s book that was written by Lesley to be enjoyed and utilised as a resource for teachers within the S.E.A.T Project Education Program.
Lesley developed her love of writing from a young age entertaining her family and friends with her unique style of verse. She went on to study Education. Along the way, she became an entertainer, travelled the world as a flight attendant, and performed on international stages as one of Australia’s best corporate comedians; her funny songs and parodies of well known celebrities are legendary!
Lesley is now writing and producing everything from corporate events, cabaret, television and has come full circle back to her first love, children’s verse. One thing remains constant: her unique ability to touch people with laughter and see the joy in life.
“It is a joy to help bring this project to life, and an honour to write the story of SEAT’s incredible and inspiring journey, a true testament that anything is possible, and that we all can make a difference one hand at a time.”