Andrew Story was born and raised in Sydney. From a young age, Art was his favourite subject at school, closely followed by Science and English. When he was a kid, Andrew was always encouraged to draw by his mother, who also loves to draw and paint.
“Drawing is just what I do when my hands are bored. If there is paper and a pencil handy, I’ll start sketching,” explains Andrew. “Most of the time, I won’t have any idea of what I’m drawing until I put pencil to paper, and I start to see shapes in the lines. Soon after that a collection of lines starts to look like a trunk, and there you go, suddenly I’m drawing an elephant.”
Andrew’s favourite things to sketch and paint are animals that might not exist – that way he can make them look as crazy as he likes, and no one can prove him wrong. Music, cartoons and colours that contrast with each other make him want to get up and draw. So does the beach, but sand likes to get all through his sketchbooks.
Andrew is a primary school teacher in Sydney.