Last week S.E.A.T Project participated in SEPLA (Special Education Principals' and Leaders' Association) 2015 at the Crowne Plaza Terrigal. Amongst the natural beauty and lively cafe culture of Terrigal, Principals and leaders from both special and mainstream schools gathered together from all over NSW. The theme for this year's conference was Leading for Self, Leading for Health. An impressive … [Read more...]
“Art comes from within”: PLC students paint SEATs for East Timor.
"At first, I thought I was not skilled enough to make a good painting but then I realised that art comes from within." - Ella, Year 6 student. When this Year 6 class from the Presbyterian Ladies' college (PLC) in Sydney painted some SEATs to send over to a preschool in East Timor, they did not realise that it would be more than just little wooden stools they were giving away. As they … [Read more...]
S.E.A.T Project attends QUEDREX.
Over the weekend of August 24 and 25, our S.E.A.T Project team attended the Queensland Education Resources Expo ( in Brisbane where education professionals from around the country gather to access the latest education resources on offer. For us, it was an exciting opportunity to introduce and demonstrate the S.E.A.T Project to thousands of educators and over 100 other … [Read more...]
Geographe Primary School takes a SEAT towards reconciliation.
For the last 6 weeks, a class of year 5 children have been using their creative thinking as a tool to better understand and appreciate their local indigenous culture thanks to a Reconciliation Grant awarded by the Department of Indigenous Affairs and a clever little stool that goes by the name of SEAT. Since 2010, Geographe Primary School has led an innovative reconciliation program in … [Read more...]
A small bamboo stool, children discovering the value of themselves, humanity and social change.
On Sunday 21st October, Kids in Philanthropy which is a newly formed sub-fund of the Sydney Community Foundation held a S.E.A.T Project workshop, facilitated by Melanie Greblo. Kids In Philanthropy aims to raise awareness in children, from more advantaged backgrounds, of the poverty and need in disadvantaged Sydney communities. As you can see the kids had a great time building and decorating their … [Read more...]
How cool the world would be if mainstream business integrated social enterprise.
The S.E.A.T Project is a result of Virginia's vision to see global brands demonstrate that they can integrate social and economic value into their Brand and Business DNA. So with the S.E.A.T Project that is what we set out to do. Every step of the life cycle of the S.E.A.T Project has been engineered to ensure that we create a positive impact. Our intent to make a difference has been woven into … [Read more...]